

lets get trivicalposterreturn4

Let's Get Trivical!

Tuesday 28th January


Come! Be fascinated by the wonderful world of music. Win booze. Win meals.

You might win music too. I'll get back to you on that.

But everyone will win one thing. You know what that prize is? KNOWLEDGE.
You will win music knowledge. It will serve you well.

It's not "Let's Get Quizzical". It's not "Let's Get Trivial". They would be obvious choices. It's "Let's Get Trivical" which is infinitely better than both.

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Posted by trivia on 28 January 2014 | 2589 Comments


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    Posted by Trerwervaws, 28/04/2013 1:31pm (9 months ago)

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    Posted by Appolyday, 28/04/2013 12:52pm (9 months ago)

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    Posted by Goloexciche, 28/04/2013 11:35am (9 months ago)

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    Posted by speexpeli, 28/04/2013 11:34am (9 months ago)

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